
Showing posts from February, 2022

Pakistan is getting closer to a superpower but it's not China

The first part of the two-part budget session 2022 was concluded on February 11. Unlike the loving environment created by valentine’s week, parliament was high on a different heat of fiery speeches, claims and allegations. In this environment of hostility, most headlines were grabbed by Rahul Gandhi’s response to the president’s address. His speech was lauded by many. The courageous words were not only applauded by the experts but by many outside the Congress as well. Raga’s speech turned out to be a report card of the Modi government. How much impact it might have electorally is a different debate whole together, but among many issues he raised, the most talked about was the allegation that this government has bought China and Pakistan closer pushing India into a two-front situation.  Rahul Gandhi speaking in parliament during the President's address(Courtesy NDTV) This statement by Gandhi seemed to have hurt the BJP quite a bit as several prominent names in the ruling party we